Disney Whimsical

Here are a few works that feature Disney characters and others. You may indeed find the same work or characters on other pages.

“Human Things”

This is a painting of Ariel, a bit older, really getting a taste of being out of the water. I always liked how Ariel was curious and did her own thing. I found a cool VW online to model the car after.

“Welcome to Sherwood”

Disney’s Robin Hood never really put arrows into anyone (thing) in his movie, but here he is in a skirmish with Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Beast from Naruto. It’s a fox fight.

“A Small Comfort”

I like whales. Here is Ariel with a big-sweet friend quietly passing in the night.

“Right here, Monstro. Right here.”

It struck me, as much as Pinocchio struggled to make good choices, he never responded to anyone with anger. Here he is, channeling his inner Capt. Ahab and raging, just before being swallowed. My daughter asked why Monstro’s tail was so small. I started to explain it’s going off into the distance … now I can’t unsee the tiny tail.

“The Frog of Mount Myōboku”

Jiraiya was, of course, The Toad Sage, but I believe he had frog friends as well … maybe to sip tea with. My Kermit here is totally from Mount Myōboku. Both were inspired by coloring pages.

“Superior Ability Breeds Superior Ambition”

Ahsoka Tano and Spock. Yes, Ahsoka is a Disney character now. Spock is inspired from a comic book cover I found and Ahsoka is from a coloring page.

“She’ll Be Here Soon”

If you look closely, you’ll see the date on this Rapunzel and Ariel. I made this as my daughter (about 6 then) worked on a little canvas of her own. It’s is one of my first “canvases”. I used to tell my daughter stories where she was the central character, and she’d meet many of the folks featured on this website, Rapunzel and Ariel were favorites. She’s outgrown the stories (sigh), but is now a far better artist than me. This was a gift for her. They are waiting for her to go on an adventure.


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